Puppy (0)
Special Yearling Dog/Bitch (1)
1st: Barret’s Stranwith Rugosa. Sweet 14 month bitch lovely and curvy, with a crisp, dark coat. Neat ears and a dark eye. Well angulated shoulders and good depth of chest with good spring of rib. Well muscled for her age in rear quarters with lovely low hocks. Rather unsettled on the move and a touch shy, but lots of potential.
Post Graduate Dog/Bitch (4,2)
1st Hawkins’ Kaleginy Thistle at Kwaricott. Strong, shapely 18 month bitch in excellent condition. Very sweet head and expression. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good bone throughout. Good forechest, nice depth of chest, very shapely through the topline and underline. Excellent strong quarters, good bend of stifle, low hocks. Excellent muscle tone. Movement was true and strode out with good reach and drive. BoB
2nd Barret’s Stranwith Rugosa
Open Dog/Bitch(5,4)
1st Kermack & Help’s Beardswood Rona. Mature bitch with very feminine head and expression. Dark eye and neat ears. Adequate shoulder placement with deep chest and good spring of rib. Good, wide quarters with low hock but muscle tone could be firmer. Would prefer a crisper coat. Movement steady with good drive
Mary Ann Stuart